In today’s episode, Jiordana Sade welcomes guest Brooke Leavitt, who helps extraordinary individuals create spectacular lives through pleasure. Using neuroscience and spirituality as tools for transformation, she helps her clients create meaningful long-lasting change within their lives.
their lives.
In this episode, you will learn:
Connect with Jiordana & Brooke:
Dopamine Detox (30-day Challenge, $27)
Pleasure v. Pain (10-week interactive experience, $900)
DISCLAIMER: Please note I am not a medical doctor and you should always seek help from a physician before beginning any new health regime!
April 11, 2024
I am a certified holistic nutritionist with a background in behavioural neuropsychology and hypnosis. I struggled my whole life with obesity, addictions, depression and chronic fatigue and have dedicated my entire career to develop a deep understanding of how to restore health with any disease.
The Mind-Full Method is a platform where you can develop an understanding of the connection between brain and body, and truly thrive.
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Learn how the body and the brain work together to either feed disease or fight it. I'm going to walk you through the root cause of your symptoms and disordered behaviors. Develop a new understanding each week and truly thrive! Become a subscriber and never miss an episode again!
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New Youtube Channel coming in 2024. Stay Tuned!