I am a clinical nutritionist and hypnotist with a degree in behavioural psychology. I run a vibrant practice that focuses on the connection between mental health and nutrition and our relationship to food.


The Mind-Full Detox

The Mind-Full Method



The Mind-Full Membership




Jiordana Saade






The Mind-Full Retreat

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Our bodies are always speaking to us.  -


A side of the health and wellness industry you have never seen before

Instant transformation”

Give your audience a chance to see a side of themselves they have never seen before…

Jiordana has a very engaging and approachable way of giving the audience insight into their own mental and physical well-being.

Every audience member will leave with a new sense of hope and actionable steps to take their power back, and learn to live a life they have always dreamed of.

Currently, there is so much information about nutrition, and yet obesity rates continue to rise. In her talk, Jiordana sheds light on how rather than obsessing over what we are eating, it's time to look at why we are eating.

You are not what you eat: The psychology of food

Food: the most important relationship we will ever have.

I am a motivational and Tedx speaker on a mission to educate the world on the power of their own mind. I have spent the last decade working with individuals to recover their health by learning about the root cause of symptoms and and using their most powerful asset— the brain to establish balance in the body.

If you are looking for someone who can single handedly motivate and inspire your audience to take their health into their own hands (and their heads), I’m your girl!

I have been through my own healing journey of the mind where I battled long term obesity, eating disorders, substance abuse issues, and when I learned how to recover my own health, my life changed so profoundly I knew I had to share it with the world.

Hi, I'm Jiordana

It’s time to take your power back, so you can learn to THRIVE rather than survive.


the spillover podcast

Listen                     Now!

"Rewiring your Brain to have a Better Relationship with Food"

the innerchild podcast

Listen                     Now!

"Let's Talk about Weight Gain & Childhood Trauma"

mindin' my wellness podcast

Listen                     Now!

"The Psychology Behind our Eating Behaviors"

money, mindset & Manifestations

Listen                     Now!

"Healing Addictions, Anxiety and Depression"

In my non-Expert opinion PODCAST

Listen                     Now!

"How your Mindset can Change your Health & Body"


Listen                     Now!

"Food Psychology: The Key to Sustainable, Lasting..."

as heard in...

What clients have to say...

I have worked with many nutritionists and dietitians who all wanted me to just follow a diet plan. Unlike others, Jiordana took the time to really help me understand the source of the problem and gave me many resources needed to successfully bring down my blood sugar. We are currently working on re-learning how and when to eat, learning about mental vs physical hunger which will allow me to learn to make better eating choices to further support my weight loss goal and avoid potentially deadly diseases. I highly advise you put your trust in Jiordana and believe that she is beyond passionate about her work. Please remember that we all fail and may get back to our old habits, don't be afraid to tell her the truth and she will help you get back on track! Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Small changes are all it takes to start noticing a difference. It is important to understand that this is a journey and she will be with you every step of the way! 

There are no words to describe how knowledgeable and caring Jiordana is.

- bass

I was suffering from some serious digestion issues. I had severe bloating and gas for almost 2 years, and even though my diet was solid, I was gaining weight at an unprecedented rate. I typically sit at 170lb but I was north of 230. Working with Jiordana we determined that I was not producing sufficient stomach acid and therefore not breaking down food the right way. Since we started working together, I have gone from 230+ to 202 in less than 3 months. I have obviously reincorporated physical activity but the internal feeling of swelling is virtually gone. I am very thankful and happy with my results. Can't wait to see what happens over the next 6 months with Jiordana and her support.

Since I started working with Jiordana, I have gone from 230+ to 202 in less than 3 months.

- Jackie H.

Jiordana's Mastermind changed my life. I went into the program skeptical about whether or not it would work for me. I have tried everything and spent thousands of dollars on diets and weight-loss products which worked for a little while but then I would gain the weight back. I was so frustrated with myself and with my weight. Jiordana helped me change my habits around food and exercise in a way I couldn't have imagined. I no longer eat when I'm not hungry. I have a new found sense of love for myself and I lost 32 pounds in 6 months!

Jiordana is incredible. She was with me every step of the way and being able to contact her in-between appointments when I was struggling was integral to my success. I'm so grateful for this experience!

I lost 32lbs in 6 months! Jiordana's Mastermind changed my life. I went into the program...

- maddy

So grateful to have worked with Jiordana- she is so accepting and understanding of everything you’re going through, relatable, non judgmental, and never gives up! It’s evident that she truly enjoys helping people and wants them to feel their best, not just because it’s her job. You’ll never feel alone when you’re working with her. On top of all those qualities, she really does know her stuff. She’s able to explain my symptoms, why they’re happening, how we will fix them, and reassure me that what I’m searching on google isn’t happening to me! Overall I’ve had nothing but an amazing experience and will be recommending her to my friends and family. Thanks Jiordana!

It’s evident that she truly enjoys helping people and wants them to feel their best...

- meg

Listen to my TedX


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