I am a clinical nutritionist and hypnotist with a degree in behavioural psychology. I run a vibrant practice that focuses on the connection between mental health and nutrition and our relationship to food.


The Mind-Full Detox

The Mind-Full Method



The Mind-Full Membership




Jiordana Saade






The Mind-Full Retreat

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Our bodies are always speaking to us.  -


About The Mind-Full Clinic

Hi, I'm Jiordana Saade, holistic nutritionist, hypnotherapist, PODCASTER, and founder of The Mind-Full Clinic.

As a clinical nutritionist and hypnotist with a degree in behavioural psychology, I am considered a top leading expert in eating behaviour, and a TEDx speaker on understanding what it means to have a healthy relationship with food.

My interest in psychology was inspired by my own experience growing up with childhood obesity and struggling with body image issues, multiple eating disorders, substance abuse and mental health conditions.

As I became more interested in my body, I began to understand how changing my diet had a profound influence on my overall mood, and my mental health disorders simply vanished… but of course there was more to it than that. It was here that I questioned the gut/brain connection and decided to enroll at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, where I graduated as Valedictorian with first class honours.

Upon graduation I was hired to work as the nutritionist at an obesity medicine clinic in Oakville, Canada, where I had the opportunity to work alongside Dr. Mohammed Abrahim.

While working in the clinic, it became apparent to me that there is a large population of people that cannot be helped with diet alone, there is a deeper healing that needs to happen first. Most people know an apple is healthier than a chocolate bar, but some still choose the chocolate bar anyways. At this point I still struggled with disorders like orthorexia, and continued to lose and regain the same 100lbs. As time went on, I was unable to adhere to restrictive diets, and I became tired of punishing myself at the gym. The weight began to pile back on and I found myself back to where I started, overweight and unhappy… does this sound familiar to you?

For some individuals, knowing what to do isn’t enough.

I wanted to dig deeper and understand the interconnections between our intentions and our behaviour. This is why I went back to school to study the nervous system and how psychology impacts human behaviour and the desire to self sabotage. I learned how limiting beliefs and years of restrictive dieting had actually led to a life sentence of obesity. Hello food psychology!

When I recovered my relationship to food I began to see a life beyond meal plans and calorie counting. I was able to address my low self-worth, stop trying to control my diet and develop a healthy narrative around what I was eating— and a crazy thing happened… the excess weight stabilized and came off all on its own. This is when I knew I needed to guide people through the same steps and allow them to achieve the same freedom.

I truly believe that everyone, including you, has the opportunity to find the truest healthiest version of themselves, without having to give up their favourite foods.

The truth is, your body wants to be healthy, if the body is holding on to excess weight it is trying to communicate that there are imbalances in both the body and the mind.

The truth is, your body wants to be healthy, if the body is holding on to excess weight is it trying to communicate that there are imbalances in both the body and the mind.

how it all started

Curious about what I offer? 

Find out more info on the Mind-Full Method, Mind-Full Detox and the Mind-Full Member Programs. Join the 500+ women who have found food freedom, lost weight successfully, and learned to love themselves again. 

To heal the body, you must first heal the mind. The Mind-Full Method is a platform where you can develop an understanding of the connection between brain and body, and truly thrive.

Hang tight, we'll have more info on Jiordana's speaking events soon!

Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Certified

Plant Medicine Facilitator Certification

Expertise and certifications

​Hypnotherapist (C.Ht.)

Cognitive Approaches, Elmira Strange, MPhil, Psy

Certification in Eating Disorder Recovery


Bach Flower Level 1 Certification

Certified Nutritional Practitioner

Holistic Nutritionist (CNP)

"We are not what we eat: The psychology of food"

TEDX Speaker

Obesity canada- GTA

On the board of OC-GTA 

Reversible Journal, Obesity Medicine


First place champion 4-years consecutive for Halton and Peel

Public Speaking

Institute of Holistic Nutrition



Student + Student Rep

Behavioural Psychology

the spillover podcast

Listen                     Now!

"Rewiring your Brain to have a Better Relationship with Food"

the innerchild podcast

Listen                     Now!

"Let's Talk about Weight Gain & Childhood Trauma"

mindin' my wellness podcast

Listen                     Now!

"The Psychology Behind our Eating Behaviors"

money, mindset & Manifestations

Listen                     Now!

"Healing Addictions, Anxiety and Depression"

In my non-Expert opinion PODCAST

Listen                     Now!

"How your Mindset can Change your Health & Body"


Listen                     Now!

"Food Psychology: The Key to Sustainable, Lasting..."

as heard in...

The Fun Stuff

04. favourite supplement

Magnesium Threonate

05. I love fashion

and taking on small modeling jobs.

03. desert island food

Kelly’s Snickerdoodle whoopie pie cookie

06. coffee or tea?


01. astrology sign



The Bachelor

Your Body Has a Message for You.
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