I am a clinical nutritionist and hypnotist with a degree in behavioural psychology. I run a vibrant practice that focuses on the connection between mental health and nutrition and our relationship to food.


The Mind-Full Detox

The Mind-Full Method



The Mind-Full Membership




Jiordana Saade






The Mind-Full Retreat

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Our bodies are always speaking to us.  -

Find Food & Weight Freedom with 6 Months of Support!

The Mind-Full Method


You've tried every diet in the book to lose weight with no real success...

You struggle with emotional eating, mindless eating and/or binge eating...

You want to make positive changes in your health, but keep self-sabotaging...

You're sick of starting over and feeling disappointed...

From vegan to macros to 60-day juice cleanses, I have literally seen it all. And I know how it feels to bang your head against the wall, wondering why nothing is working...

Does this sound like you?

Trust me, I know the feeling...

REAL transformation BEGINS WHEN YOU KEEP THE promises YOU MAKE TO yourself.

Experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression?

Struggling to reach your weight loss goals?

Struggling with stubborn weight?

Feeling out of control around certain foods? 

On-and-off dieting with no success?

Struggling with stress eating, bored eating, anxious eating, or eating to cope with intense emotions?

Feeling like you can’t break free from your current food patterns and behaviors?

"Good” for a period of time and then fall off the wagon?

are you...

I know what it's like to feel like something's wrong with you...

I know what it's like to lose weight only to gain it right back.

I know the feeling of disappointment when you try and fail diet after diet...

And I know what it's like to feel destined for more, but just not knowing how to get there.

I know how it feels...

Do you feel this?

To lose weight without food restricting and dieting, to feel confident and radiant in your skin, and to fall in love with yourself, to completely transform your health & your life, and to find true happiness and freedom with food... 

Then it's no accident that you made it to this page. 

You do have what it takes. You can do this. You are not broken. 

You are exactly where you're meant to be. 

Your path to food & weight freedom starts here.

my own transformation

If you deeply desire...

And I know what it's like to feel destined for more, but just not knowing how to get there.

I know what it's like to feel like something's wrong with you...

I know what it's like to lose weight only to gain it right back.

I know the feeling of disappointment when you try and fail diet after diet...

Food Psychology examines why we eat (as opposed to what we eat) and how we can change these behaviours permanently. Diets have a 98% fail rate! If you have gone on a diet before, and regained the weight it is not because you have low will power, it’s because diets are designed to fail.

Weight gain is an emotional issue that can’t be fixed with a food plan. When we gain weight, it’s because we have developed an emotional connection to food, and you are simply not eating to satisfy hunger… you are eating to satisfy an emotional need. 

Reducing your calories or exercising more is not going to fix this problem.

The Food Psychology course uses a combination of behavioural psychology, neuropsychology, hypnosis and holistic nutrition to help get down to the root of your disorders relationship with food and teach you to never diet again!

Food Psychology examines why we eat (as opposed to what we eat) and how we can change these behaviours permanently. Diets have a 98% fail rate! If you have gone on a diet before, and regained the weight it is not because you have low will power, it’s because diets are designed to fail.

Weight gain is an emotional issue that can’t be fixed with a food plan. When we gain weight, it’s because we have developed an emotional connection to food, and you are simply not eating to satisfy hunger… you are eating to satisfy an emotional need. 

Reducing your calories or exercising more is not going to fix this problem.

The Food Psychology course uses a combination of behavioural psychology, neuropsychology, hypnosis and holistic nutrition to help get down to the root of your disorders relationship with food and teach you to never diet again!

Food Psychology:

Changing the way you eat starts with psychology. 

It's time to heal your relationship with food once and for all. 

6 months of support and 12 weeks of content will completely transform your life, your body, and your relationship with food.

The Mind-Full Method

welcome to

What's Inside The Mind-Full Method?






  • Training with industry experts (Manifesting your dream body, Breaking free from perfectionism, Balancing your hormones, Balancing blood sugar) 

  • Hypnosis on Manifesting your dream life, decreasing anxiety and depression, and self discipline 

  • 10-20% off recommended pharmaceutical supplements and wellness products 

  • Grocery shopping checklist and recipe guide 

  • Meal Prep Guide 

  • Confidence affirmations to increase your self-love 

  • Microdosing course 

  • A guide to increasing happiness in your day-to-day life

Aligned community of women who are here to empower, uplift and support one another.

Slack community to share your wins, ask questions, and connect with like minded women so we can all grow and up-level together! 

Half a year of weekly coaching sessions over Zoom which includes two 1-hour sessions per month with Jiordana, along with two 1-hour sessions per month with a certified Nutritionist (CNP) and Trauma-Informed Somatic Healer, where you can ask questions, get support, and be coached through your specific situation & goals.​​

Weekly accountability tracking + progress check-ins.

Custom supplement protocol to optimize health & vitality.


  • 12 Modules of food psychology and weight loss training

  • Over 60+ training videos on various health, nutrition & weight loss topics

  • 100 pages of workbooks to help you put the lessons you learn into practice 

  • Weight loss hypnosis protocol to help rewire your subconscious mind for success

Success Stories

The Mind-Full Method

wow, I can fucking do this. and that is why mfm is such a sacred journey for me. it's like my baby, the one thing I  did for myself that noone could take away from me."

- bri

there is nothing more empowering than investing in yourself and getting results tenfold."

- amy

I didn't realize I was doing it. I didn't realize there was another way. I didn't realize how much control I had over my brain. that was life changing."

- denise

Success Stories

The Mind-Full Method


there is nothing more empowering than investing in yourself and getting results tenfold.

- amy


- denise


wow, I can fucking do this. and that is why mfm is such a sacred journey for me. it's like my baby, the one thing I  did for myself that noone could take away from me.

- bri


I am a clinical nutritionist and hypnotist with a degree in behavioural psychology. I am a leading expert in eating behaviour and am known for my work in the realm of Food Psychology.

Throughout my life, I struggled with obesity, addiction, eating disorders and various mental health issues, which led me to pursue a path in nutrition & psychology, because I believe the two go hand in hand.

I know how it feels to be on the yo-yo diet train, to have eating habits you can't seem to control, and to lose weight only to gain it back a few months later. I know firsthand the frustration and disappointment of trying and failing everything, and I'm here to tell you - there is another way. 

To date, I've helped 500+ women lose weight successfully with the power of Food Psychology, without dieting, counting calories, or removing foods you love.

Hi, I'm Jiordana

listen to my story   →

Throughout my life, I struggled with obesity, addiction, eating disorders and various mental health issues, which led me to pursue a path in nutrition & psychology, because I believe the two go hand in hand.

I know how it feels to be on the yo-yo diet train, to have eating habits you can't seem to control, and to lose weight only to gain it back a few months later. I know firsthand the frustration and disappointment of trying and failing everything, and I'm here to tell you - there is another way. 

To date, I've helped 500+ women lose weight successfully with the power of Food Psychology, without dieting, counting calories, or removing foods you love.

I am a clinical nutritionist and hypnotist with a degree in behavioural psychology. I am a leading expert in eating behaviour and am known for my work in the realm of Food Psychology.

yesterday I felt total food freedom for the first time ever."

i am excited to live. I am excited for what tomorrow brings."

down 21lbs since May 24th! Jiordana this is life changing!!"

down 10 lbs in just over a month. No dieting. no restrictions!"

I weighed myself on a whim this morning... I'm down 15lbs!
yay me!!!"

I was hoping to get to 145. Now i'm thinking 140 since this is so easy!"

i've lost more in one month with you than 6 months on ozempic!!!"

I feel so proud of myself. I am doing it, for the first time in my life.

I don't think i've ever come home from a vacation having lost weight!"

I'm 139.3lbs. I can't remember the last time I was in the 130's!"

who have lost weight, found food freedom, and discovered what it feels like to love themselves again.


Module 1

Foundations & what you'll need to get the most out of The Mind-Full Method Experience. Tools to be successful, how to navigate the community, and course platforms.


Module 2

Your personalized hypnosis protocol to help you rewire your subconscious mind so that you can achieve your goals. Personalized supplement protocol and guidance on how to order.


Module 9

Understanding the link between nutrition and mental health, supporting symptoms of depression + anxiety.

body mind connection

Module 10

Learn Jiordana's protocol for boosting metabolism, fat burning hacks, reverse dieting to restore metabolic health and optimize energy and weight loss. 

reset your metabolism

Module 4

Foundations of Food Psychology, deconstructing your cravings, tackling stress eating, emotional eating, and binge eating, learn tools to change unwanted behaviours.

heal your relationship with food

Module 12

Your freedom! Next steps to continue your healing & wellness transformation, cheat sheet to refer back to if you ever get lost, and how to stay connected to The Mind-Full Clinic. 

the new you!

Module 3

Learning to love yourself, cultivating confidence and boosting self esteem. Affirmation and body confidence exercises + learning how to use the scale in an empowered way.


Module 11

All about cleansing toxins and pathogens from the body to clear stubborn weight & inflammation + improve energy, sleep, skin and overall vitality. Rebalancing hormones, reducing stress.

cleanse + detox

Module 5

Remove judgement, develop self-compassion, and reprogram patterns of self-sabotage. Learn the science and art of discipline, heal past traumas that are influencing current behaviours.

end self sabotage

Module 6

Learn how to manifest weight loss & use the law of attraction to propel you in the direction of your goals. Learn how to master the art of wanting vs. having. Rewire thought patterns that are no longer serving you.

Think your way thin

Module 8

Gut health basics, heal and seal your gut, optimize digestion for improved metabolic functioning. 

optimize gut health

Module 7

Understanding triggers, conflict and core wounds. Recover from people pleasing and improve self worth and self concept.

heal your triggers

The Mind-Full Method

a peek inside

Client Results

next   →

Not only got them over my rear but buttoned them comfortably. More and more my clothes are fitting me so much better and comfortably!"

"I put on a pair of jeans today that I couldn't get over my bum in May when I started.

- anonymous

Jiordana's Mastermind changed my life. I went into the program skeptical about whether or not it would work for me. I have tried everything and spent thousands of dollars on diets and weight-loss products which worked for a little while but then I would gain the weight back. I was so frustrated with myself and with my weight. Jiordana helped me change my habits around food and exercise in a way I couldn't have imagined. I no longer eat when I'm not hungry. I have a new found sense of love for myself and I lost 32 pounds in 6 months!

"I've lost 32lbs in 6 months! 


days. Have been eating out more than I have been cooking my own meals and have hardly worked out as well. For sure thought I had put on a couple pounds, but nope. THE SCALE IS STILL GOING DOWN! I've officially hit a milestone scale goal and can't wait to get to the next. Food psychology is seriously MAGICAL.

"YOU GUYS! The past month has been absolutely crazy busy for me with several trips and super long...

- anonymous

I'm finally LIVING! I can focus on the things that are really important in life, like trying to have a baby. Ugh my heart is over flowing with gratitude. Love you xoxo."

"I have chills typing this, I can't even express to you how freeing this is after decades of tormenting and obsessing over every bite.

- amy

Food, drinks, late nights, early mornings and everything in between. Not only did I not gain weight but I did not overindulge simply because I didn't want to. Mind-blowing. YAY ME!! Also, just got my period. I usually have insane cravings, crazy constipation and serious bloating, drained and in alot of pain. NONE OF THAT THIS TIME! You are a life changer.

"So many wins lately I can't even!!
Got back from a 2 week vacay where I did it all...

- anonymous

 I bought a new summer wardrobe. I wore one of my new outfits on the weekend to a family event and I felt amazing! I feel like that outcome is better than getting to a certain weight.

"I can't believe I lost that much weight! I feel more like myself than I ever have.

- anonymous

Nothing changes if nothing changes...

This can either be the first day of your radical transformation and commitment to self love, or just another day, getting the same results you've always gotten, doing the same things you've always done.

How much longer are you willing to feel like a prisoner to food?

What is it costing you? 

Can you love yourself enough to solve this problem so you can finally start living the life you were meant to live?

MFM Payment Plans

$585 USD / MO

Option Three

$295 USD / MO

Option Four

$3497 USD

Option One

$1167 USD / mo

Option Two


✗ You are pregnant.
✗ You are actively struggling with anorexia.

✓ You want to finally release the weight.
✓ You want to lose up to 50 pounds (and keep it off!)
✓ You are sick of losing and regaining the same weight over and over.
✓ You want to release the weight without dieting (and never go back to dieting again!)
✓ You have stubborn weight.
✓ You feel addicted to food.
✓ You struggle with emotionally eating or binge eating.
✓ You want to take your power back over food.
✓ You want to finally step into the best version of yourself.

Please read the disclaimer above before signing up.

Please read the disclaimer above before signing up.

Please read the disclaimer above before signing up.

Please read the disclaimer above before signing up.

$997 USD

Option Five

Please read the disclaimer above before signing up.

With semi-private coaching you get more exclusive access to Jiordana compared to the regular MFM programming. If you know you need a little extra encouragement and focused intuitive guidance through your journey, this is for you!

New Offering!

Semi-Private Coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

How much weight will I lose?

This is a tough one to give exact numbers for as everyone is different. Once we normalize your relationship to food I have seen up to 50lbs weight loss in a 6 month period. It is very common for my clients to lose between 7-20lbs in the first 12 weeks, and from there the weight comes off much easier! 


Are you covered under insurance?

Some insurances do cover nutritionists! You have to check with your specific provider. You can always contact me for my license number and designation to double check. 


What is your cancellation policy?

The Mind-Full Clinic enforces a 24-hour cancellation policy for appointment rescheduling. Please note that missed appointments are non-refundable and will result in a rescheduled slot, potentially extending the program trajectory.

Exceptions may apply, and in case of a family death or illness, kindly reach out to jiordana@themindfullclinic.com for assistance.


What do I need to do to be successful?

To be successful, all you need to do is SHOW UP for the entire program! This means completing the 12 weeks of module and attending as many weekly open coaching calls as possible.


Will I need to take supplements forever?

No! Some supplements are beneficial and can/should be taken long term depending on the condition. I will help you wean off the ones that are not needed for your specific situation prior to our last appointment. 


Are supplements necessary?

Supplementation significantly speeds up the healing process. It is possible to reach your goals without them in some cases, but if you have a stubborn or long-term disorder it is recommended to take the suggested supplements. Some supplements you may need to be on long-term, but for most of them, you will be weaned off in the final 4 weeks. 


How often are appointments?

Each Mind-Full Clinic program varies. 
For the Mind-Full Method program, appointments are bi-weekly.
For the Mind-Full Detox program, appointments are monthly.


How do I know this will work for me?

I know you feel like you've tried everything, so I get that you're skeptical. But don't take my word for it - take it from the 350+ women I've helped lose weight successfully, and the 99% success rate of my programs. By those odds, I'd be willing to be that you'll be successful, too.


What if I can't make the calls?

All calls will be recorded and uploaded to a folder on your course hub. You can view the calls at any point during your time in the program.


What are your success rates?

The MFM program has a 99% success rate. It's important to note that individuals who did not achieve success typically did not complete the program or maintain regular participation in the scheduled calls.


Thank you for subscribing!

3 Steps to heal your relationship to food, boost confidence & lose weight without dieting.

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