I am a clinical nutritionist and hypnotist with a degree in behavioural psychology. I run a vibrant practice that focuses on the connection between mental health and nutrition and our relationship to food.


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The Mind-Full Method

with Jiordana Saade

53 | Interview with my Shamanic healer Jaime Pallotolo: How I have manifested the craziest shit through deeper healing

Episode Description

Welcome to the Head-To-Heal Podcast!

In today’s episode Jiordana interview her shamanic healer Jaime and they talk about the soul, energies in our bodies, how to protect our own energy and nurture it to manifest everything you desire. Jaime also shares her story of how she became a shamanic healer, all the ups and downs on her way and some crazy experienes she had when working with her amazing clients, enjoy!

Jaime Pallotolo is an Energetic Master, Soul Seer & Shamanic Healer for 6 and 7 figure earners who desire to be seen as industry leaders and unlock their next level of expansion in their business and personal life.

Through a powerful blend/combination of energetics, healing, manifestation and magic she helps clients  embody their mastery, activate their gifts and regulate their nervous system so they can expand their capacity, unlock their highest potential and experience infinite possibility without burnout, overwhelm and frustration.

Jaime’s spiritual gifts and energetic mastery allows her clients to exponentially manifest the life  of their dreams in a fast, yet sustainable way.  Just some of her client results include having TEDX talks go viral,, publishing NY Times Best Seller Books, banking 100k+ Cash Months, manifesting houses, cars, soulmate partners,,TV Appearances, pregnancies  and so much more.

Jaime has navigated through the overwhelm of corporate life as an engineer, the abuse of her former  husband and survived her own death bed experience by holding the duality of suffering and thriving; and being her own authority while leveraging her power.  Now as a dog mom to Koda and a successful entrepreneur Jaime loves to travel the world, experiencing  different cultures, vegan cuisine and reality tv (shh… haha)!

Connect with Jaime:

Instagram: @jaimepallotolo

Website: Jaime Pallotolo


Website: www.themindfullclinic.com

Instagram: @themindfullclinic

Email: jiordana@themindfullclinic.com

DISCLAIMER: Please note I am not a medical doctor and you should always seek help from a physician before beginning any new health regime!

March 9, 2023

To heal the body, you must first heal the mind. 

I am a certified holistic nutritionist with a background in behavioural neuropsychology and hypnosis. I struggled my whole life with obesity, addictions, depression and chronic fatigue and have dedicated my entire career to develop a deep understanding of how to restore health with any disease.

Hey friend, I am Jiordana Saade, CNP.

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