I am a clinical nutritionist and hypnotist with a degree in behavioural psychology. I run a vibrant practice that focuses on the connection between mental health and nutrition and our relationship to food.


The Mind-Full Detox

The Mind-Full Method



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Jiordana Saade






The Mind-Full Retreat



The Mind-Full Method

with Jiordana Saade

16 | All About Anxiety

Episode Description

Shit you didn’t know about anxiety!

Anxiety is one of the most popular men tea illnesses plaguing over 70% of adults either chronically or at one point in their life. Listen to learn what they don’t tell you about anxiety, and how we can address it from a root cause perspective.

In this episode Jiordana Saade, CNP covers what Candida is, how it manifest, and what to do about it!

We discuss:

– What exactly is anxiety

– Chronic vs acute anxiety

– Neurotransmitter and the nervous system

– Pathogens

– Lactate and pyruviuc acid

– Food triggers

– Holistic Treatments

– Supplemental recommendations

– Conventional treatments

– Trauma


The Mind-Full Clinic is giving away a free intake session (350$ value) in exchange for an honest testimonial on apple podcasts! To qualify. Write a review on Apple or Spotify take a screenshot and send your screenshot to jiordana@themindfullclinic.com.

Draw will last for 2 weeks and winner will be chosen on October 1st

Hit the LIKE & SUBSCRIBE button! This keeps the information free and available to everyone.

Don’t forget to share this episode with someone who you feel can value from it!


Website: www.themindfullclinic.com

Instagram: @jiordanasaade

Email: jiordana@themindfullclinic.com

August 19, 2021

To heal the body, you must first heal the mind. 

I am a certified holistic nutritionist with a background in behavioural neuropsychology and hypnosis. I struggled my whole life with obesity, addictions, depression and chronic fatigue and have dedicated my entire career to develop a deep understanding of how to restore health with any disease.

Hey friend, I am Jiordana Saade, CNP.

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The Mind-Full Method is a platform where you can develop an understanding of the connection between brain and body, and truly thrive.

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