I am a clinical nutritionist and hypnotist with a degree in behavioural psychology. I run a vibrant practice that focuses on the connection between mental health and nutrition and our relationship to food.


The Mind-Full Detox

The Mind-Full Method



The Mind-Full Membership




Jiordana Saade






The Mind-Full Retreat

How much weight will I lose?

This is a tough one to give exact numbers for as everyone is different. Once we normalize your relationship to food I have seen up to 50lbs weight loss in a 6 month period. It is very common for my clients to lose between 7-20lbs in the first 12 weeks, and from there the weight comes off much easier! 


Are you covered under insurance?

Some insurances do cover nutritionists! You have to check with your specific provider. You can always contact me for my license number and designation to double check. 


What is your cancellation policy?

The Mind-Full Clinic requires a 24h cancelation policy if you would like your appointment to be rescheduled. There are no refunds for missed appointments, the appointment will be pushed back, which will lengthen the trajectory of the program. 

*Of course there are some exceptions to this, and you may email jiordana@themindfullclinic if there is a death in the family or someone is sick. 


What do I need to do to be successful?

To be successful, all you need to do is SHOW UP for the entire program! This means completing the 12 weeks of module and attending as many weekly open coaching calls as possible.


Will I need to take supplements forever?

No! Some supplements are beneficial and can/should be taken long term depending on the condition. I will help you wean off the ones that are not needed for your specific situation prior to our last appointment. 


Are supplements necessary?

Supplementation significantly speeds up the healing process. It is possible to reach your goals without them in some cases, but if you have a stubborn or long-term disorder it is recommended to take the suggested supplements. Some supplements you may need to be on long-term, but for most of them, you will be weaned off in the final 4 weeks. 


Is Hypnosis included in all your programs?

Hypnosis is an integral part of reprogramming your brain to the version of yourself that can achieve your goals with ease! Hypnosis is included in both MFM and the Mind-Full Membership. Our most popular 'weight release' hypnosis track is available for purchase HERE. *The Mind-Full Detox does not include hypnosis, but it can be added on.


How do I know this will work for me?

I know you feel like you've tried everything, so I get that you're skeptical. But don't take my word for it - take it from the 500+ women I've helped lose weight successfully, and the 99% success rate of my programs. By those odds, I'd be willing to be that you'll be successful, too.


What if I can't make the calls?

All calls will be recorded and uploaded to a folder on your course hub. You can view the calls at any point during your time in the program.


What are your success rates?

The MFM program has a 99% success rate, and those who have not been successful have not finished the program or kept up with the calls. 
